donderdag, januari 01, 2009
What the Duck 2009

Serge Gainsbourg - Je suis venu te dire que je m'en vais
Daily Telegraph over Marcus Bleasdale
Dinsdag verscheen in de Daily Telegraph een artikel over fotojournalist Marcus Bleasdale, die ooit een dikbetaalde baan als bankier inruilde voor een onzeker bestaan als conflictfotograaf.
The move, when it came in 1998, was dramatic. 'I remember reading in the newspaper about the uncovering of a mass grave in the Balkans. I got into work the next day and the person sitting next to me said, “Have you seen the newspaper headlines?” I said, “Yes, horrific isn’t it?” He said, “What do you think that’s going to do to the price of the dollar/mark?”’ Bleasdale winced.
'I knew I didn’t want to be a banker any more, but to find the motivation to resign and do something else was difficult, so I was always putting it off, but I just looked at this guy, and something inside my head clicked. I walked into my boss’s office and resigned. I didn’t want to be part of something that could take a massacre and turn it into dollars. It repulsed me.’
His father told him he was mad and put it down to an early mid-life crisis (he was 29; 'maybe it was, actually’). His mother thought he was stupid, especially after all the scrimping the family had been through, but 'she respected it and let me work it through’. He gave his designer suits to charity, put his houses on the market (the Wandsworth house sold for £800,000), and within 24 hours was on a plane to the Balkans.
Lees Career change: Banker-turned-photojournalist.
The move, when it came in 1998, was dramatic. 'I remember reading in the newspaper about the uncovering of a mass grave in the Balkans. I got into work the next day and the person sitting next to me said, “Have you seen the newspaper headlines?” I said, “Yes, horrific isn’t it?” He said, “What do you think that’s going to do to the price of the dollar/mark?”’ Bleasdale winced.
'I knew I didn’t want to be a banker any more, but to find the motivation to resign and do something else was difficult, so I was always putting it off, but I just looked at this guy, and something inside my head clicked. I walked into my boss’s office and resigned. I didn’t want to be part of something that could take a massacre and turn it into dollars. It repulsed me.’
His father told him he was mad and put it down to an early mid-life crisis (he was 29; 'maybe it was, actually’). His mother thought he was stupid, especially after all the scrimping the family had been through, but 'she respected it and let me work it through’. He gave his designer suits to charity, put his houses on the market (the Wandsworth house sold for £800,000), and within 24 hours was on a plane to the Balkans.
Lees Career change: Banker-turned-photojournalist.
woensdag, december 31, 2008
NOOR Year In Review
Noor has created a special release of the collection of the 2008 feature stories. The images are links to some of the best features, from each of the Noor photographers.
Bekijk het jaaroverzicht bij NOOR Images.
Bekijk het jaaroverzicht bij NOOR Images.
zondag, december 28, 2008
Ziv Koren op Duitse tv
Het jeugdprogramma Tigerenten Club van de Duitse publieke omroep maakte een reportage over de Israëlische fotojournalist Ziv Koren.
Bekijk het filmpje hier.
Bekijk het filmpje hier.